{"mutations":[],"queries":[{"state":{"data":{"applicationInsightsConnectionString":"InstrumentationKey=986dca8f-ea1f-417a-a41d-912bfa27aec1;IngestionEndpoint=https://westeurope-5.in.applicationinsights.azure.com/;LiveEndpoint=https://westeurope.livediagnostics.monitor.azure.com/;ApplicationId=b91c4025-ea5a-4c27-a932-6754799efa0c","gtmId":"GTM-NDS7R2","features":{"AppliedJobsView":true,"CandidateRedesign":true,"CvParsing":true,"FullCandidateProfile":true,"HeaderJobsButton":true,"ImageOptimization":true,"JobSearchPreferences":true,"LogosFromSameDomain":true,"MakeWaves":false,"MatchedJobs":true,"NewJobTypes":true,"NewNavbar":true,"NewPlacesAutocomplete":true,"PdfJobDocuments":true,"ReciteMe":true,"UploadCV":false}},"dataUpdateCount":1,"dataUpdatedAt":1743223703783,"error":null,"errorUpdateCount":0,"errorUpdatedAt":0,"fetchFailureCount":0,"fetchFailureReason":null,"fetchMeta":null,"isInvalidated":false,"status":"success","fetchStatus":"idle"},"queryKey":["configuration"],"queryHash":"[\"configuration\"]"},{"state":{"data":{"standard":{"jobs":[{"id":"226a06d3-5bc8-4c37-836f-2df665588b52","title":"AYSE Social Workers","employer":"Birmingham Children's Trust","department":"","location":"Birmingham","locationType":3,"description":"<div>\n<div class=\"fullwidth\">\n<h3>About The Role</h3>\n</div>\n</div>\n<div>\n<div class=\"fullwidth\">\n<div>\n<p><strong>About The Role</strong></p>\n<p>Are you a Newly Qualified Social Worker or do you qualify in the upcoming months?</p>\n<p>Are you looking to find the best opportunities to develop and progress with high levels of support in the first steps of your career?</p>\n<p>Birmingham Children’s Trust has all that and more…</p>\n<p>In the spring of 2024, Birmingham Children’s Trust received nearly 200 applications from student social workers who wanted to join our ASYE (Assessed and Supported Year in Employment). As the largest Local Authority in Europe, we have an excellent and varied ASYE programme run by our highly recognised Trust Practice Academy.</p>\n<p>Our next ASYE cohort starts on 6<sup>th</sup> October 2025 – do you want to join us?</p>\n<p>We understand that your first year as a social worker is so important for your career and that the transition in moving from student to social worker can be challenging.</p>\n<p>You will be supported every step of the way through your ASYE journey.  You will be a fully integrated team member from the outset and work alongside - and learn from - very experienced and knowledgeable managers and social workers in our exceptionally dedicated workforce. There will also be wrap around support from a dedicated Senior Practitioner from our Academy to work with you on your own individual development journey.</p>\n<p>You will receive:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Monthly training and development opportunities</li>\n<li>Monthly Study time</li>\n<li>Regular supervision from your team manager and your dedicated Academy Senior Practitioner</li>\n<li>Wrap around support and protection as you develop your skills</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Here at the Trust, we already have an established learning journey following your first year as an ASYE to become an Accredited Child and Family Practitioner to support your career progression in the second year.</p>\n<p>Development, opportunities and support continue throughout your career in the Trust enabling you to become the best Social Worker you can be. We will offer you a mapped out clear career progression pathway supporting your development into a senior social worker role and beyond.</p>\n<p>Our Ofsted feedback in 2021 reported that the offer to social workers in their first year of practice and social work apprenticeships is building an increasingly stable workforce who like working for the trust. In November 2022 Skills for Care fed back that they were “extremely impressed” with the offer to Newly Qualified Social workers joining the Trust with high retention rates and good support available.</p>\n<p>Why not hear it from our newly Qualified social workers on our ASYE programme themselves…</p>\n<p><em>“ I have really enjoyed my experience as an ASYE Social worker, I have felt completely supported by my manager, SPED and team throughout the year, which was comforting for me, considering this was the start of my career where I needed that extra guidance. This ASYE programme has helped me to develop my knowledge and reflect on my social work practice, and it was also a good way to form positive relationships with colleagues, which also provided that extra level of support’</em>” <strong><em>Naomi</em></strong></p>\n<p><em>“I enjoyed the ASYE programme, it enabled the space for my professional growth and for me to re-adjust to the Social Work profession. The ASYE programme provided varied training; a protective case load; opportunity to develop a professional support network with my colleagues on my ASYE cohort”<strong>    Jermaine</strong></em></p>\n<p>As a Newly Qualified Social worker you can work in a range of services such as our Assessment and Short Term Intervention (ASTI), Safeguarding, Children in Care teams, Children with Disabilities, Youth Justice Service or even Fostering or Adoption. There are a wide range of teams and services available and we explore areas of interest within the application process. <strong>**Not all teams are able to offer the retention payment and this is subject to service area**</strong></p>\n<p>If you are successful and offered a role (subject to passing your social work degree and obtaining SWE registration), you will join our next ASYE programme, commencing on 6<sup>th</sup> October 2025. There are also opportunities to begin your time in the Trust before the 6<sup>th</sup> October in alternative support roles whilst you await your registration.  </p>\n<p>Interviews will take place between 7<sup>th</sup> and 25<sup>th</sup> April and will be held virtually.</p>\n<p>We will also be at the COMPASS Jobs Fair on Monday 17th March - come and see us with any questions you might have!  </p>\n<p>A requirement of this role is for you to have an enhanced DBS check, therefore if you have signed up to the DBS update service or are thinking about joining this service then please let us know on your application. </p>\n<p>If you have any informal enquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact: </p>\n<p><a href=\"mailto:CSWRecruitment@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk\">joinus@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk</a></p>\n<p>Or visit the Practice Academy webpage to find out more;</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk%2Fpracticeacademy&data=05%7C02%7CGayle.Mason-Gordon%40birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk%7Cff40e46bac8742c4ac3008dd4f6570c8%7C699ace67d2e44bcdb303d2bbe2b9bbf1%7C0%7C0%7C638754019288807905%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=hWjNYWjwxGa2rgw4rOfrymeTgMg7bNMPrIAmxdkDizw%3D&reserved=0\">https://www.birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk/practiceacademy</a></p>\n<p>We shall be running two webinars, providing an overview of the application and interview process, as well as all things ASYE – as well as what it’s like working in the Trust. We welcome you to come talk with us and look at the opportunities available to you.</p>\n<p><strong>Monday 24<sup>th</sup> February – 5-6pm:</strong></p>\n<p><a href=\"https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/ap/t-59584e83/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fteams.microsoft.com%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%253ameeting_NWQwZjQ3YTgtNjQwMi00YzZlLTg1ODItZTE3YjZkNDA0ODdm%2540thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522699ace67-d2e4-4bcd-b303-d2bbe2b9bbf1%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%2522413cd02b-42c2-49fa-a5c4-b784284ccf12%2522%257d&data=05%7C02%7CGayle.Mason-Gordon%40birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk%7Cff40e46bac8742c4ac3008dd4f6570c8%7C699ace67d2e44bcdb303d2bbe2b9bbf1%7C0%7C0%7C638754019288840557%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=4iz8xdlZuh9ehTfLxgW5SM8GOZ%2BDxtjmQOTdphtqTT8%3D&reserved=0\"><strong>Join the meeting now</strong></a></p>\n<p>Meeting ID: 342 566 017 451</p>\n<p>Passcode: NK7v7Yv2</p>\n<p><strong>Thursday 13<sup>th</sup> March – 1-2pm:</strong></p>\n<p><a href=\"https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/ap/t-59584e83/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fteams.microsoft.com%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%253ameeting_NDY0ZTg2ZTEtM2Q4MC00OWNkLWEyY2YtOTc1MmQxNzY5NjVi%2540thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522699ace67-d2e4-4bcd-b303-d2bbe2b9bbf1%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%252241f282dd-1ffb-4718-ab65-e871b6247906%2522%257d&data=05%7C02%7CGayle.Mason-Gordon%40birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk%7Cff40e46bac8742c4ac3008dd4f6570c8%7C699ace67d2e44bcdb303d2bbe2b9bbf1%7C0%7C0%7C638754019288859932%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=3nEmaGhh9Ep47npZ9tlurpLyYQgrAKa97u6D3FiM3Uk%3D&reserved=0\"><strong>Join the meeting now</strong></a></p>\n<p>Meeting ID: 364 913 912 783</p>\n<p>Passcode: 4bd6to7S</p>\n<p><strong>Please note if you require sponsorship for these roles, we are currently unable to offer this.</strong></p>\n<p><strong>Applications close at 11.59pm on 4th April 2025</strong></p>\n<p>We are proud to be an Equal Opportunities Employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees - a place where we can all be ourselves and succeed on merit.</p>\n<p>We actively deliver services that are culturally responsive to the needs of the children, parents and carers we work with to deliver equality, diversity and inclusivity in all we do. </p>\n<h3>About Us</h3>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n<div>\n<div class=\"fullwidth\">\n<div>\n<p><strong>Help us to change children and young people’s lives</strong><strong>!</strong></p>\n<p>At Birmingham Children’s Trust, we are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of over 10,000 children and young people in our city every day. Our mission is to support the most disadvantaged children and young people in Birmingham, ensuring they are safe, happy, and healthy.</p>\n<p><strong>Why Join Us?</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<strong>Impactful Work</strong> - be part of a team that makes a real difference in the lives of the city’s most vulnerable children.</li>\n<li>\n<strong>Supportive Environment</strong> - enjoy a supportive and collaborative work culture where your contributions are valued.</li>\n<li>\n<strong>Career Development</strong> - benefit from tailored development programs, supportive supervision, and a range of learning opportunities to enhance your skills and advance your career.</li>\n<li>\n<strong>Generous Benefits</strong> - take advantage of our competitive reward package including generous leave allowance, Local Government pension scheme, and additional benefits.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>Our Values</strong></p>\n<p>We approach our work with care and compassion, actively listening to the needs of the children and young people we serve. We involve them in the decisions that affect their lives, ensuring their voices are heard and respected.</p>\n<p>We are committed to using our resources wisely, ensuring that every penny is spent where it counts the most. We foster collaboration among schools, health professionals, and the police, working together to create a supportive network for our young people.</p>\n<p>We believe that when we work as one cohesive team, the children and young people of Birmingham are more likely to thrive. Our unified approach ensures that we provide the best possible support and opportunities for their growth and development.</p>\n<p>Join us and together, we can create a brighter future for all.</p>\n<p><strong>Safeguarding</strong></p>\n<p>At Birmingham Children’s Trust, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.</p>\n<p>Depending on the role, you may be asked to undergo the appropriate level of Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check to assess your suitability for working with children and young people.</p>\n<p>The level of check (Standard, Enhanced, or Enhanced with Barred List) is determined based on the specific responsibilities of the role and the level of contact with children and young people.</p>\n<p>We are committed to the fair treatment of all applicants, including those with criminal records. Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar an individual from working with us. This will depend on the nature of the position and the circumstances and background of the offence.</p>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>","shortDescription":"<p>Newly Qualified Social Worker opportunity at Birmingham Children's Trust, offering development, support, and career progression pathways.</p>","salaryDescription":"Grade 4","publishDate":"2025-03-24T09:58:00.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-04T22:59:00.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/2a49897f-57ee-414f-8497-c7fb0291db9c.png","score":1,"featured":true,"enhanced":true},{"id":"1181b7b2-3fb6-49dd-a873-aea804f24d73","title":"Support Worker","employer":"Staffordshire County Council","department":"","location":"Newcastle-under-Lyme","locationType":3,"description":"<p><strong>This is a diverse social care role where every day is different. For adults with learning disabilities, you’ll open the door to lives of independence, fulfilment, and joy. And your impact won’t stop there. This positive change will be felt across families and throughout the Staffordshire communities we’re proud to serve.</strong></p><p>Staffordshire County Council are looking for motivated people who are passionate about providing outstanding care quality for adults with learning disabilities. We specialise in supporting adults with complex needs, profound and multiple learning disabilities, and behaviours that challenge. Our mission is to promote opportunities, independence and choice so individuals can thrive, and our vision is to be leaders in providing innovative and inspirational care and support.</p><p>Douglas Road is a residential respite facility for up to eight adults. The service is dynamic and caters for people with varying levels of need. People come to our service for a break and could stay for a number of days or weeks. The people we support are always changing which makes it an interesting, fast-paced and rewarding place to work. </p><p>You can learn about our services via our Facebook page: <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/staffordshirelearningdisability\">https://www.facebook.com/staffordshirelearningdisability</a></p><p>You will be expected to work flexibly across the week according to business need, undertaking a range of shifts that may include weekend, and bank holiday working, early morning, evenings, split shifts, and sleep-in duties. Rotas are subject to change depending on business need.</p><p>Although this role is based primarily at Douglas Road, Newcastle, there may be times when you are expected to work flexibly across Provider Services, including different care settings, delivery approaches, and locations, as required.</p><p> </p><b>Main Responsibilities</b><br><p>In this role you will:</p><ul>\n<li>Deliver excellent person-centred support in an innovative, flexible, responsive, and strengths-based manner</li>\n<li>Act as a Link Worker for the people we support by contributing to the on-going assessment, development, delivery, and review of person-centred support plans. </li>\n<li>Administer medication and support with personal care</li>\n<li>Deliver the manual handling requirements including use of equipment, physical intervention skills, and active participation in person-centred activities</li>\n</ul><b>The Ideal Candidate</b><br><p>We are looking for people who are passionate about providing outstanding care quality for adults with learning disabilities. </p><p>What you'll bring:</p><ul>\n<li>Be enthusiastic about working with people with learning disabilities and autism</li>\n<li>Be caring, sensitive and patient while supporting people to be as independent as possible. </li>\n<li>ICT skills to complete digital record keeping</li>\n<li>Have effective communication and interpersonal skills</li>\n<li>The ability to manage potential and actual aggression in a sensitive way and remain calm in challenging situations.</li>\n<li>Willing and physically able to support people with personal and intimate care needs and physically able to undertake manual handling tasks.</li>\n<li>A positive outlook on life and able to adapt and respond positively to change</li>\n</ul><p><span>If you already hold an NVQ level 2 qualification or Care Certificate we would love to hear from you but don’t worry if not, we are happy to support you in gaining the skills and knowledge needed for this qualification.</span></p><p><strong>Interviews will be held: Thursday 1 May 2025, at Wilmot Drive Training Centre, Newcastle Under Lyme</strong></p><p><span>If you would like to have an informal chat about this role please contact Sam Dickinson, <a href=\"mailto:sam.dickinson@staffordshire.gov.uk\">sam.dickinson@staffordshire.gov.uk</a> </span></p><p>Please note that this role will require an enhanced DBS check and a pre-employment health assessment as part of the onboarding process.</p><p>This role is regulated by CQC, and it is a requirement that we obtain FULL employment history, from leaving secondary school. Please note should you be invited to interview for this role, this information will be required.</p><b>About Staffordshire County Council</b><br><p><strong>We are no ordinary county council:</strong></p><p><strong>Our Values:</strong></p><p>The core of who we are as an organisation. Just like we all have personal values that shape our thoughts and behaviour, organisational values drive how we think and act collectively.</p><p>Our values were created and shaped by colleague feedback and national best practice and they sit at the heart of People Strategy:</p><p><img alt=\"\" height=\"272\" src=\"https://staffscc-uploads-eu-west-2.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/63806fb8a56160f4aa0fa5dc8ac1debabf27234b.jpg\" width=\"700\"></p><p>We have a real sense of community spirit that brings our people together. This feeling of belonging means we are all connected to what we do and take pride in the difference we make every day for Staffordshire people. We are ambitious and our sights are set firmly on a better future.</p><p>We look forward and race ahead - that goes for your career too. </p><p><strong>Our benefits:</strong></p><p>We recognise that it is our employees that are central to everything we do. We aim to create a supportive working environment where employees can achieve their full potential and achieve a healthy work-life balance. </p><p>In addition to your salary, as a member of staff, you will have access to <a href=\"https://www.careersatstaffordshire.co.uk/our-rewards-and-benefits/\">Our rewards and benefits - Careers at Staffordshire</a></p><p><strong>Our recruitment process:</strong></p><p>As an Authority we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people/vulnerable adults and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.</p><p>Staffordshire County Council is an equal opportunities organisation and Disability Confident employer. We encourage applications from all background and communities</p><p>As part of our commitment as a Disability Confident employer, a Gold Award Armed Forces employer and our commitment to supporting care leavers - we offer a guaranteed interview as long as your application meets the minimum criteria for the post. </p><p>As you’ll know safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and young people/vulnerable adults is important to us and that’s why this position is subject to a criminal record check from the Disclosure and Barring Service. If applicable you should disclose details of unspent and unfiltered spent reprimands, formal warnings, cautions and convictions in your application form.</p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"Starting Salary from £15.14 per hour","publishDate":"2025-03-28T16:39:43.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-18T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/f98811d3-dfe1-4d64-805c-ddfee1810944.png","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"83ff74dc-07b7-4028-9879-ba17ebcf05c9","title":"Direct Payments Navigator","employer":"Staffordshire County Council","department":"","location":"Staffordshire Place 1","locationType":3,"description":"<p><strong><span>Are you passionate about making a difference in people's lives?</span></strong><span> Join Staffordshire County Council’s Direct Payments Support Service, where you'll provide flexible support to individuals with varied and complex social care needs. Our service empowers people to build meaningful lives, promoting personal autonomy and increasing choice and control.</span></p><p><span><strong>Purpose of the Role: </strong>You'll work in partnership with individuals and Social care professionals to develop tailored solutions that meet assessed needs and outcomes for people using or considering a Direct payment. By considering personal preferences, lifestyles, relationships, and priorities, you'll help increase confidence, personal autonomy, and ownership of responsibilities. Your support will lead to improved outcomes and self-determination.</span></p><p><span><strong>Location:</strong> This role offers hybrid working options, allowing flexibility between remote work and office presence.</span></p><p><span><strong>Working pattern:</strong>  Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5pm </span></p><p><span><strong>Contract:</strong> This is a fixed-term position, ending on May 2027 – subject to review and evaluation</span></p><p><span>Join us in fostering a supportive community where individuals can thrive with confidence and autonomy. Apply today to be part of a team dedicated to making a positive impact!</span></p><b>Main Responsibilities</b><br><p><span>In this role you'll:</span></p><ul>\n<li>Ensure eligible individuals in receipt of direct payments are aware of all available options.</li>\n<li>Be responsible for setting up and monitoring the use of Direct Payments in Adult Social Care.</li>\n<li>Consult with people, care management, and other stakeholders to resolve issues and provide information, advice, and guidance from the beginning of the Direct Payment journey and throughout.</li>\n<li>Collaborate closely with social workers, and other appointed assessors.</li>\n<li>Partner with individuals to develop solutions that meet their assessed needs and outcomes, considering their preferences, lifestyles, relationships, and priorities.</li>\n<li>Aim to increase confidence, personal autonomy, ownership of responsibilities, improved outcomes, and self-determination for those you support.</li>\n</ul><p><span>Your role is crucial in ensuring that individuals receive consistent and effective support, empowering them to live independently and with greater control over their lives.</span></p><b>The Ideal Candidate</b><br><p><span>You'll have:</span></p><ul>\n<li>NVQ3 or equivalent qualification (or a willingness to undertake) in a relevant discipline such as social care, advice and guidance, or a related subject.</li>\n<li>Previous experience in Adult Social Care and administering Direct Payments.</li>\n<li>Understanding of the roles and responsibilities of partner organisations, and demonstrable knowledge of Social Care and Direct Payment legislation, guidance, and practice relevant to service users and carers.</li>\n<li>Experience in delivering support to individuals.</li>\n</ul><p><span>We're also looking for someone who has:<br></span></p><ul>\n<li>Knowledge of disability, older persons, carers, and young carers, and the impact on individuals, their families, and society.</li>\n<li>Experience working as part of a team.</li>\n<li>Ability to use Information Technology to create documents, data records, diary records, communication, and reports.</li>\n<li>Ability to develop collaborative relationships with adults with learning or physical disabilities, older adults, their carers, and their families to promote choice and independence.</li>\n<li>Effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills to determine needs and enable informed choice.</li>\n</ul><p><span><strong>Interviews will be held during the week starting 28  April 2025.</strong></span></p><p><span><em>Don’t feel you meet all the requirements? </em>We value transferable skills, experiences, and qualifications so consider applying anyway or for an informal chat about the role please contact  Sara Bell Deputy Principal Social worker  <a href=\"mailto:sara.bell1@staffordshire.gov.uk\">sara.bell1@staffordshire.gov.uk</a>  </span></p><p><span><strong>Our Recruitment Process:</strong> We anonymise applications during shortlisting to ensure only relevant information is considered. Please complete your application fully, especially the supporting statement, to highlight what you’ll bring to the role.</span></p><b>About Staffordshire County Council</b><br><p><strong>We are no ordinary county council:</strong></p><p><strong>Our Values:</strong></p><p>The core of who we are as an organisation. Just like we all have personal values that shape our thoughts and behaviour, organisational values drive how we think and act collectively.</p><p>Our values were created and shaped by colleague feedback and national best practice and they sit at the heart of People Strategy:</p><p><img alt=\"\" height=\"272\" src=\"https://staffscc-uploads-eu-west-2.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/63806fb8a56160f4aa0fa5dc8ac1debabf27234b.jpg\" width=\"700\"></p><p>We have a real sense of community spirit that brings our people together. This feeling of belonging means we are all connected to what we do and take pride in the difference we make every day for Staffordshire people. We are ambitious and our sights are set firmly on a better future.</p><p>We look forward and race ahead - that goes for your career too. </p><p><strong>Our benefits:</strong></p><p>We recognise that it is our employees that are central to everything we do. We aim to create a supportive working environment where employees can achieve their full potential and achieve a healthy work-life balance. </p><p>In addition to your salary, as a member of staff, you will have access to <a href=\"https://www.careersatstaffordshire.co.uk/our-rewards-and-benefits/\">Our rewards and benefits - Careers at Staffordshire</a></p><p><strong>Our recruitment process:</strong></p><p>As an Authority we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people/vulnerable adults and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.</p><p>Staffordshire County Council is an equal opportunities organisation and Disability Confident employer. We encourage applications from all background and communities</p><p>As part of our commitment as a Disability Confident employer, a Gold Award Armed Forces employer and our commitment to supporting care leavers - we offer a guaranteed interview as long as your application meets the minimum criteria for the post. </p><p>As you’ll know safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and young people/vulnerable adults is important to us and that’s why this position is subject to a criminal record check from the Disclosure and Barring Service. If applicable you should disclose details of unspent and unfiltered spent reprimands, formal warnings, cautions and convictions in your application form.</p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"£26,409 - £29,093","publishDate":"2025-03-28T16:34:40.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-14T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/e4ea006f-2995-4991-b4fe-e2dbfab59b7c.png","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"5c53f794-7706-4e4e-a9ba-52bac37777f6","title":"Cook","employer":"Staffordshire County Council","department":"","location":"114 Douglas Road","locationType":3,"description":"<p><strong>This is a diverse social care role where every day is different. For adults with learning disabilities, you’ll open the door to lives of independence, fulfilment, and joy. And your impact won’t stop there. This positive change will be felt across families and throughout the Staffordshire communities we’re proud to serve.</strong></p><p>Staffordshire County Council are looking for motivated people who are passionate about providing outstanding food quality for adults with learning disabilities. We specialise in supporting adults with complex needs, profound and multiple learning disabilities, and behaviours that challenge. Our mission is to promote opportunities, independence and choice so individuals can thrive, and our vision is to be leaders in providing innovative and inspirational care and support.</p><p>Douglas Road is a residential respite facility for up to eight adults. The service is dynamic and caters for people with varying levels of need. People come to our service for a break and could stay for a number of days or weeks. The people we support are always changing which makes it an interesting, fast-paced and rewarding place to work. You can learn about our services via our Facebook page: <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/staffordshirelearningdisability\">https://www.facebook.com/staffordshirelearningdisability</a></p><p>You will be expected to work flexibly across the week according to business need, undertaking a range of shifts that may include weekend, and bank holiday working, early morning, evenings, and split shifts. Rotas are subject to change depending on business need.</p><p>Although this role is based primarily at Douglas Road, Newcastle, there may be times when you are expected to work flexibly across Provider Services, including different care settings, delivery approaches, and locations, as required.</p><b>Main Responsibilities</b><br><p>In this role you will:</p><ul>\n<li>Provide a high-quality kitchen service, recognising and catering for individual needs and preferences</li>\n<li>Devise nutritionally balanced, varied and attractively presented menus, catering for specific dietary needs</li>\n<li>Embrace digital by using systems, equipment, and technology to improve kitchen efficiency.</li>\n<li>Ensure regular cleaning of kitchen, dining, and storage areas in line with environmental health regulations, including COSHH and HACCP requirements and assisting with inspections.</li>\n<li>Maintain accurate records, whilst regularly checking food stocks and ordering provisions, ensuring costs are within budget.</li>\n<li>Communicate and interact effectively with individuals, carers, colleagues, and others creating positive relationships and being inclusive of all.</li>\n</ul><b>The Ideal Candidate</b><br><p>We are looking for people who are passionate about providing outstanding care quality for adults with learning disabilities. </p><p>What you'll bring:</p><ul>\n<li>Basic food hygiene certificate</li>\n<li>Recognised catering qualification, or willingness to complete</li>\n<li>Experience as a professional cook with a knowledge of kitchen management.</li>\n<li>Ability and knowledge to plan a varied menu</li>\n<li>Knowledge of health and safety procedures including being able to demonstrate an understanding of COSHH implications for materials/supplies</li>\n<li>Ability to understand safe and correct food hygiene/handling procedures with a demonstrable knowledge of HACCP system</li>\n<li>Ability to demonstrate an understanding of infection control principles (including hazard compliance)</li>\n<li>Be enthusiastic about working with people with learning disabilities and autism</li>\n<li>ICT skills to complete digital record keeping</li>\n<li>Food/beverage preparation skills and enthusiasm for providing nutritious meals</li>\n<li>Literacy and numeracy skills sufficient to plan menus, order supplies and monitor budgets.</li>\n</ul><p>If you already hold aa catering qualification, we would love to hear from you but don’t worry if not, we are happy to support you in gaining the skills and knowledge needed for this qualification.</p><p><strong>Interviews will be held: Friday 2 May at Wilmot Drive Training Centre, Newcastle Under Lyme.</strong></p><p><strong><span>If you would like to have an informal chat about this role please contact Sam Dickinson, <a href=\"mailto:sam.dickinson@staffordshire.gov.uk\">sam.dickinson@staffordshire.gov.uk</a> </span></strong></p><p>Please note that this role will require an enhanced DBS check and a pre-employment health assessment as part of the onboarding process.</p><p>This role is regulated by CQC, and it is a requirement that we obtain FULL employment history, from leaving secondary school. Please note should you be invited to interview for this role, this information will be required.</p><b>About Staffordshire County Council</b><br><p><strong>We are no ordinary county council:</strong></p><p><strong>Our Values:</strong></p><p>The core of who we are as an organisation. Just like we all have personal values that shape our thoughts and behaviour, organisational values drive how we think and act collectively.</p><p>Our values were created and shaped by colleague feedback and national best practice and they sit at the heart of People Strategy:</p><p><img alt=\"\" height=\"272\" src=\"https://staffscc-uploads-eu-west-2.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/63806fb8a56160f4aa0fa5dc8ac1debabf27234b.jpg\" width=\"700\"></p><p>We have a real sense of community spirit that brings our people together. This feeling of belonging means we are all connected to what we do and take pride in the difference we make every day for Staffordshire people. We are ambitious and our sights are set firmly on a better future.</p><p>We look forward and race ahead - that goes for your career too. </p><p><strong>Our benefits:</strong></p><p>We recognise that it is our employees that are central to everything we do. We aim to create a supportive working environment where employees can achieve their full potential and achieve a healthy work-life balance. </p><p>In addition to your salary, as a member of staff, you will have access to <a href=\"https://www.careersatstaffordshire.co.uk/our-rewards-and-benefits/\">Our rewards and benefits - Careers at Staffordshire</a></p><p><strong>Our recruitment process:</strong></p><p>As an Authority we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people/vulnerable adults and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.</p><p>Staffordshire County Council is an equal opportunities organisation and Disability Confident employer. We encourage applications from all background and communities</p><p>As part of our commitment as a Disability Confident employer, a Gold Award Armed Forces employer and our commitment to supporting care leavers - we offer a guaranteed interview as long as your application meets the minimum criteria for the post. </p><p>As you’ll know safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and young people/vulnerable adults is important to us and that’s why this position is subject to a criminal record check from the Disclosure and Barring Service. If applicable you should disclose details of unspent and unfiltered spent reprimands, formal warnings, cautions and convictions in your application form.</p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"Starting salary from £13.26 per hour","publishDate":"2025-03-28T16:29:24.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-18T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/8dc7b5db-8153-4e71-898d-0fb1b7caafde.png","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"4158e392-9e98-4414-bd25-0b67c8a2fb44","title":"Teaching Assistant with SEND responsibilities (afternoon's)","employer":"Coventry City Council","department":"","location":"Coventry","locationType":3,"description":"<p>Park Hill is a very busy but happy and supportive place to work – there is always so much going on here. We are forward-thinking and are always striving for improvement, seeking new and exciting initiatives around improving the best possible learning opportunities for all pupils.   We aim to raise aspirations, inspire a lifelong love of learning and create memories to last a lifetime.  In October 2023 Park Hill was inspected by OFSTED and we were delighted that they agreed with us – that we continue to be a good school. </p><p>We are a caring employer who invest in our employees. We consider professional development plan staff carefully and have a good record of staff development, recruitment and retention, we also offer each staff a 'Thank you Day!\". </p><p>Park Hill is a happy school where children enjoy coming to school. Our ethos at Park Hill is FAMILY. We want every child at Park Hill to feel that they belong and that they are valued. </p><p>For further information, please visit: <a href=\"http://www.parkhillprimaryschool.co.uk/\">www.parkhillprimaryschool.co.uk</a> </p><b>Our Values</b><br><p>Our school values are ‘simple ones’ to remember – we call them our ‘3Rs’ and we talk and refer to these in all we do. These are: Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. </p><p>These values support our way in which all members of the school can live and work together in a supportive way. They support our Aims as a school to promote an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure.  </p><b>What is the job role?</b><br><p>The Governors of Park Hill Primary School are seeking to appoint a hardworking, enthusiastic Teaching Assistant with SEND responsibilities to join our Early Years Team, who holds a Level 2 or 3 childcare qualification.  The role involves support children with special educations needs of disabilities, ensuring they have access to the same learning opportunities as their peers.</p><p>Please apply using the online application form ensuring you outline your skills, abilities and experience in line with the key areas on the Job Description and Person Specification.</p><p>The working pattern for this role is Monday to Friday 12:00pm-16:00pm.</p><p><strong>Closing date: Monday 7th April 2025</strong></p><p><strong>Interview date: Thursday 10th April 2025</strong></p><p>The start date for this post is April 2025 (ASAP).</p><p>This is a fixed term contract till 31st August 2025</p><b>Who are we looking for?</b><br><p>We are seeking to appoint someone who is passionate, caring with a knowledge of SEND who understands the development needs and can support learning gaps.  </p><p>The successful candidate will:</p><ul>\n<li>Hold an NVQ2 or 3 qualification or equivalent</li>\n<li>Have recent and relevant experience or working with children in a school setting</li>\n<li>has a knowledge of SEND and knows how to adapt to the provision to meet needs</li>\n<li>can understand developmental needs and support learning gap</li>\n</ul><p>Park Hill school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be required to undertake an enhanced criminal record check via the DBS.</p><p><strong><em>Following recommendations from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) for an additional pre employment check with effect 1 Sept 22, please note, </em></strong><strong><em>an online search may form part of this recruitment process.</em></strong></p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"£24,404 - £25,584 depending on experience (pro rata £11,569-£12,128)","publishDate":"2025-03-28T12:44:19.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-07T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/47b17938-d376-4d3f-9e5b-16dd976c92ae.jpg","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"b64011ff-66fa-41e9-b376-5827ae663d32","title":"Teaching Assistant - Sherbourne Fields School","employer":"Coventry City Council","department":"","location":"Coventry","locationType":3,"description":"<b>What is the job role?</b><br><p>We have a number of exciting opportunities for ambitious, talented and committed Teaching Assistants to join our incredible team of dedicated staff.</p><p>Judged ‘Outstanding’ in the last three consecutive Ofsted inspections, we have been recognised, and pride ourselves on our innovative and creative approaches throughout our school.</p><p><strong>Work Pattern</strong></p><p>35 hours per week</p><p>39 weeks term time only</p><b>Who are we looking for?</b><br><p>We are looking for individual qualities such as motivation; aspiration; passion and commitment to professional development. You will be driven and ambitious and keen to learn from the highly skilled staff team around you. As an employee of Sherbourne Fields, you will be adaptable in your approach whilst playing a key role in supporting pupils with a wide range of additional need throughout their school day and beyond. You will be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the school ethos - which embraces change and remains solution focused whilst ensuring children remain at the heart of our practice.</p><p>You will be committed to a quality of education that will facilitate the development of strategies and skills for successful learning, and the ability to use them in all aspects of life.</p><p>We particularly welcome applications from post graduate students looking to gain SEND experience as part of their longer-term career journey, and Health Care professionals looking to change career.</p><p>Sherbourne Fields is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.   A Full enhanced DBS check will be carried out for this post.</p><p>Please apply using the online application form ensuring you outline your skills, abilities, and experience in line with the key areas on the advert and Job Description and Person Specification</p><p>Application forms also available from the school website – <a href=\"http://www.sherbournefields.co.uk\">www.sherbournefields.co.uk</a></p><p>Please email completed applications to <a href=\"mailto:recruitment@sherbournefields.coventry.sch.uk\">recruitment@sherbournefields.coventry.sch.uk</a></p><p>Applicants must possess GCSE Maths and English (A – C/4 - 9 or equivalent) and be competent in the use of ICT.</p><p><strong>Closing date:   Monday 28<sup>th</sup> April 2025</strong></p><p><strong>Interview date:   TBC</strong></p><p><strong><em>Following recommendations from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) for an additional pre employment check with effect 1 Sept 22, please note, an online search may form part of this recruitment process.</em></strong></p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"Actual Salary £20,671 per annum","publishDate":"2025-03-28T11:45:18.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-28T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/2e0ed624-1ccf-474e-930a-a91fc9527a4c.jpg","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"3cc52088-ac1e-4057-8453-ba72bc7dfc09","title":"Higher Level Teaching Assistant","employer":"Cheshire West & Chester Council","department":"Weaver Trust","location":"Barnton Community Nursery and Primary School","locationType":3,"description":"<p><strong>Role:</strong> Higher Level SEND Teaching Assistant</p>\n<p><strong>Location:</strong> Barnton Community Nursery and Primary School</p>\n<p><strong>Salary:</strong>  Grade 7 SCP 17</p>\n<p><strong>Actual Salary Pro-Rata:</strong> £22,810.97<em> </em>(FTE: £30,060)</p>\n<p><strong>Contract:</strong> Temporary Maternity Cover</p>\n<p><strong>Hours:</strong> 32.5 hours per week, 39 weeks a year</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>The Governors and Head of School at Barnton Community Nursery and Primary School wish to appoint a Higher Level SEND Teaching Assistant to join our team. This position will be for 32.5 hours per week and is term time plus inset days.</p>\n<p>We are looking for a friendly, caring and motivated person with plenty of energy who can join our hardworking team in supporting teaching and learning in our Primary Resource Provisions for children with complex communication and interaction needs.</p>\n<p>At Barnton Community Nursery and Primary School, we can offer you:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>An outstanding and inclusive school that is calm and harmonious allowing children to thrive.</li>\n<li>A friendly, hardworking team of staff that have extremely high expectations.</li>\n<li>Wonderful children who deserve an exceptional educational experience.</li>\n<li>A supportive leadership team who promote a collaborative working culture and value the development of every member of staff.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>The successful candidate will:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Have experience of working with children with communication and interaction needs and appropriate strategies to support them.</li>\n<li>Have relevant experience of working with children in a higher-level teaching assistant role.</li>\n<li>Hold at least a level 3 qualification in childcare or teaching support.</li>\n<li>Demonstrate high expectations of individual achievement and behaviour.</li>\n<li>Be creative and enthusiastic.</li>\n<li>Have good organisational and interpersonal skills.</li>\n<li>Have flair, talent and initiative.</li>\n<li>Demonstrate a commitment to raising standards.</li>\n<li>Be able to work in close partnership with the whole school community.</li>\n</ul>\n<p> </p>\n<p>If you have the skills, energy and enthusiasm to successfully do this job, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please complete an application form, and provide a supporting statement outlining your interest, expressing how you feel you could contribute to our school on no more than 1 side of A4.</p>\n<p>Please email your application for the attention of our Head of School, Miss Samantha Rutter, on <a href=\"mailto:head@barnton.cheshire.sch.uk\">head@barnton.cheshire.sch.uk</a></p>\n<p>Closing date: Wednesday 16th April</p>\n<p>Interviews: Week beginning Monday 21<sup>st</sup> April</p>\n<p>Our school and Weaver Trust place the highest priority on keeping our children safe. Applicants will be subject to a stringent vetting, including an Enhanced DBS check and induction process.</p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"£20,000 - £24,999","publishDate":"2025-03-27T15:54:00.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-16T11:30:00.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/b0ba1a1b-0207-4237-9a7d-0ac9744c0a9f.png","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"edb238d1-f23d-4de4-9588-c66d3e0a9235","title":"Teacher (MPS)","employer":"Cheshire East Council","department":"Mottram St Andrew Primary Academy","location":"Mottram St. Andrew Primary Academy","locationType":3,"description":"<p>Mottram St. Andrew Primary Academy is seeking to appoint an effective and enthusiastic teacher. This will initially be for a class in either Key Stage 1 or lower Key Stage 2. This is a permanent appointment from September 1<sup>st</sup> 2025. To provide balance to our staff team, this appointment would be suitable for a teacher in the early stages of their career, including teachers needing to complete their induction as an early career teacher.</p>\n<p>We are a small, one form entry school with a friendly, family atmosphere. Class sizes are low as our pupil admission number is 26.  Our children are eager to learn and parents are very supportive.</p>\n<p>The successful candidate will be an excellent class teacher, able to create a happy, challenging and effective learning environment, while providing for the individual needs of all the children within the class. They will be committed to being fully involved in the life of our school and supportive of whole school development.</p>\n<p>Mottram St. Andrew Primary Academy is committed to the safeguarding and welfare of children within our care, and all staff have shared responsibility for safeguarding in school. References will be taken up for all shortlisted candidates prior to interview. Offers of employment will be subject to stringent safeguarding checks in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education. These include an enhanced DBS check, children’s barred list check, prohibition from teaching check and an online check. Please note that this post is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, 1974.</p>\n<p>Visits to the school are welcome on Wednesday 2<sup>nd</sup> April (9.30am or 3.45pm) and Friday 4<sup>th</sup> April (10am or 3.45pm).</p>\n<p>The closing date for applications is Tuesday 22<sup>nd</sup> April, 3.30pm. We will shortlist on Thursday 24<sup>th</sup> April, and will inform candidates, by email, if they have been shortlisted. Interviews and a teaching task will take place on Wednesday 30<sup>th</sup> April.</p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"M1-M6","publishDate":"2025-03-27T14:11:00.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-22T14:30:00.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/05fc2c1a-232f-42a8-8e58-acba319d44cd.jpeg","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"8249300f-1c56-49dd-adc5-8337566dc68d","title":"Family Hub Coach - Adult and Family Learning","employer":"Staffordshire County Council","department":"","location":"Tamworth","locationType":3,"description":"<p>Are you interested in working within our Family Hub Team to support parents in improving their understanding of their parenting role?</p><p>Family Hubs are a local support centre for families with children and young people aged 0-19 years, ( 25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities ( SEND) needs.)</p><p>They are a place:</p><ul>\n<li>to get help, information, advice, guidance and support to overcome difficulties and build stronger relationships.</li>\n<li>that provides a multiagency offer that can be accessed face to face or virtually.</li>\n</ul><p>This role is based in Tamworth.</p><b>Main Responsibilities</b><br><p>As a Family Hub Coach, in adult and family learning, you will: </p><ul>\n<li>engage with families to complete direct work with children and young people and their families to promote healthy lifestyles, positive peer/ family relationships and safe parenting to develop a good understanding of their culture/ community identity.</li>\n<li>deliver evidence based groupwork.</li>\n<li>signpost to and support children and young people to engage with appropriate agencies and activities to promote their life chances and outcomes.</li>\n<li>develop and maintain effective working relationships with other locality providers.</li>\n<li>record and maintain data to inform district and countywide reports.</li>\n</ul><b>The Ideal Candidate</b><br><p>Along with a passion for working with children and families, you will have:</p><ul>\n<li>experience in delivering training and informative messages through fun and engaging pedagogy.</li>\n<li>understanding of how to appropriately signpost or intervene</li>\n<li>an ability to work on  your own initiative and as part of a team</li>\n<li>an ability to work effectively in situations of conflict and resolve difficulties.</li>\n<li>an ability to travel around the district with resources.</li>\n</ul><p>“We’re happy to talk flexible working” </p><p>For an informal chat, please contact Kate Tomson-Rayner at  <a href=\"mailto:kate.tomson-rayner@staffordshire.gov.uk\">kate.tomson-rayner@staffordshire.gov.uk</a></p><p>Interviews are planned for Friday 4th April 2025</p><p><strong>Our Recruitment Process:</strong> We anonymise applications during shortlisting to ensure only relevant information is considered. Please complete your application fully, especially the supporting statement, to highlight what you’ll bring to the role.</p><b>About Staffordshire County Council</b><br><p><strong>We are no ordinary county council:</strong></p><p><strong>Our Values:</strong></p><p>The core of who we are as an organisation. Just like we all have personal values that shape our thoughts and behaviour, organisational values drive how we think and act collectively.</p><p>Our values were created and shaped by colleague feedback and national best practice and they sit at the heart of People Strategy:</p><p><img alt=\"\" height=\"272\" src=\"https://staffscc-uploads-eu-west-2.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/63806fb8a56160f4aa0fa5dc8ac1debabf27234b.jpg\" width=\"700\"></p><p>We have a real sense of community spirit that brings our people together. This feeling of belonging means we are all connected to what we do and take pride in the difference we make every day for Staffordshire people. We are ambitious and our sights are set firmly on a better future.</p><p>We look forward and race ahead - that goes for your career too. </p><p><strong>Our benefits:</strong></p><p>We recognise that it is our employees that are central to everything we do. We aim to create a supportive working environment where employees can achieve their full potential and achieve a healthy work-life balance. </p><p>In addition to your salary, as a member of staff, you will have access to <a href=\"https://www.careersatstaffordshire.co.uk/our-rewards-and-benefits/\">Our rewards and benefits - Careers at Staffordshire</a></p><p><strong>Our recruitment process:</strong></p><p>As an Authority we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people/vulnerable adults and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.</p><p>Staffordshire County Council is an equal opportunities organisation and Disability Confident employer. We encourage applications from all background and communities</p><p>As part of our commitment as a Disability Confident employer, a Gold Award Armed Forces employer and our commitment to supporting care leavers - we offer a guaranteed interview as long as your application meets the minimum criteria for the post. </p><p>As you’ll know safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and young people/vulnerable adults is important to us and that’s why this position is subject to a criminal record check from the Disclosure and Barring Service. If applicable you should disclose details of unspent and unfiltered spent reprimands, formal warnings, cautions and convictions in your application form.</p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"£29,093 - £32,654 per annum","publishDate":"2025-03-27T10:33:02.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-02T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/9fa970bb-37bb-43c7-a864-ec35c9b35394.png","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"627a58ff-884b-4248-bac5-3e4a57baac91","title":"Provider Improvement Officer","employer":"Staffordshire County Council","department":"","location":"Staffordshire","locationType":3,"description":"<p><span>Are you passionate about improving the quality of care in Staffordshire? Do you thrive in challenging situations and have the resilience to effect positive change? If so, we have the perfect opportunity for you!</span></p><p><span>The Provider Improvement Response Team is an integral part of the wider quality assurance function in health and social care. Our joint health and social care team, comprising both nurses and local authority officers, is dedicated to driving improvements in the adult care market. We focus on the highest risks in the care market, including services at risk of closure, those in large-scale enquiry, or those subject to CQC enforcement action.</span></p><b>Main Responsibilities</b><br><p><span>As a Provider Improvement Officer, you will play a crucial role in assessing risks and ensuring providers deliver the required improvements. While our primary goal is to prevent closures of care services, you will lead in circumstances where there is a risk of urgent closure. </span></p><p><span>This hybrid role involves on-site visits at care services, working from home, and office work. </span><span>You will need access to a car and be able to travel across the county.</span></p><p><span><strong>Key Responsibilities:</strong></span></p><ul>\n<li>Work with high-risk care services to drive improvements.</li>\n<li>Feed into the overall assessment of risk for care services.</li>\n<li>Lead in situations of urgent closure or significant safeguarding risks.</li>\n<li>Work evenings or weekends when necessary, with a normal working pattern of Monday – Friday.</li>\n</ul><b>The Ideal Candidate</b><br><p><strong>What We Are Looking For:</strong></p><ul>\n<li>Solution-focused officers with a passion for improving quality of care.</li>\n<li>Resilience and the ability to negotiate and effect positive change.</li>\n<li>Ability to analyze information to prioritize risks and work autonomously.</li>\n<li>Flexibility to manage often changing priorities.</li>\n<li>Excellent communication skills and the ability to manage challenging situations.</li>\n</ul><p><strong>Essential Qualifications and Experience:</strong></p><ul>\n<li>Understanding or experience in a social care/health provider, commissioning organisation, or assessment and case management team.</li>\n<li>Ability to audit or analyse information from various sources and identify trends and themes.</li>\n<li>Ability to work effectively with minimal supervision and manage own workload.</li>\n<li>Ability to manage a range of issues and conflicting demands linked to tight and unexpected deadlines.</li>\n<li>Ability to negotiate on difficult and controversial issues, including performance and change.</li>\n<li>Demonstrate an ability to deal with challenging and conflicting situations while maintaining effective working relationships.</li>\n</ul><p><span>Don’t feel you meet all the requirements? We value transferable skills, experiences, and qualifications, for an informal chat about the role please contact: </span></p><p><span>Sam Dale, Care Market Assurance and Improvement Team Leader </span><span><a href=\"mailto:samanthac.dale@staffordshire.gov.uk\"><span>samanthac.dale@staffordshire.gov.uk</span></a></span><span> or </span><span>Laura Johnston, Care Market Assurance and Improvement Service Manager </span><span><a href=\"mailto:laura.johnston@staffordshire.gov.uk\"><span>laura.johnston@staffordshire.gov.uk</span></a></span><span> </span></p><p><span><strong><span>Interview Date: </span></strong></span><span>Week commencing 21 April 2025  </span></p><p><span><strong>Our Recruitment Process:</strong> We anonymise applications during shortlisting to ensure only relevant information is considered. Please complete your application fully, especially the supporting statement, to highlight what you’ll bring to the role.</span></p><b>About Staffordshire County Council</b><br><p><strong>We are no ordinary county council:</strong></p><p><strong>Our Values:</strong></p><p>The core of who we are as an organisation. Just like we all have personal values that shape our thoughts and behaviour, organisational values drive how we think and act collectively.</p><p>Our values were created and shaped by colleague feedback and national best practice and they sit at the heart of People Strategy:</p><p><img alt=\"\" height=\"272\" src=\"https://staffscc-uploads-eu-west-2.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/63806fb8a56160f4aa0fa5dc8ac1debabf27234b.jpg\" width=\"700\"></p><p>We have a real sense of community spirit that brings our people together. This feeling of belonging means we are all connected to what we do and take pride in the difference we make every day for Staffordshire people. We are ambitious and our sights are set firmly on a better future.</p><p>We look forward and race ahead - that goes for your career too. </p><p><strong>Our benefits:</strong></p><p>We recognise that it is our employees that are central to everything we do. We aim to create a supportive working environment where employees can achieve their full potential and achieve a healthy work-life balance. </p><p>In addition to your salary, as a member of staff, you will have access to <a href=\"https://www.careersatstaffordshire.co.uk/our-rewards-and-benefits/\">Our rewards and benefits - Careers at Staffordshire</a></p><p><strong>Our recruitment process:</strong></p><p>As an Authority we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people/vulnerable adults and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.</p><p>Staffordshire County Council is an equal opportunities organisation and Disability Confident employer. We encourage applications from all background and communities</p><p>As part of our commitment as a Disability Confident employer, a Gold Award Armed Forces employer and our commitment to supporting care leavers - we offer a guaranteed interview as long as your application meets the minimum criteria for the post. </p><p>As you’ll know safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and young people/vulnerable adults is important to us and that’s why this position is subject to a criminal record check from the Disclosure and Barring Service. If applicable you should disclose details of unspent and unfiltered spent reprimands, formal warnings, cautions and convictions in your application form.</p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"£32,654 - £37,035","publishDate":"2025-03-26T16:39:58.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-07T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/b0816c02-a3ab-49cd-ae3b-21ba99aaa06b.png","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"c36f5bd8-8660-4d3e-99ed-2d60f19101b5","title":"Associate Teacher - Ernesford Grange Community Academy","employer":"Coventry City Council","department":"","location":"Ernesford Grange Community Academy, Princethorpe Way, Binley, Coventry","locationType":3,"description":"<b>What is the job role?</b><br><p><span>We currently have a new opportunity for a dynamic and flexible Associate Teacher to support our staff and students by delivering lessons and supervision.</span></p><p><span>You’ll be an expert in deploying classroom management skills, enabling students to achieve their lesson objectives whilst offering appropriate support where needed and helping to assist the wider faculty when teaching staff are otherwise engaged.</span></p><p><span><strong>Why Ernesford Grange Community Academy?</strong></span></p><p><span>You’ll make a key difference in student’s progression with the ability to experience a leading role in the classroom, working as part of a wider team, with access to further developmental opportunities available.</span></p><p><span>The role has Full Time/Part Time available and will be 39 weeks a year.</span></p><b>Who are we looking for?</b><br><ul>\n<li>Experience of working with students in an educational or service environment</li>\n<li>At least 5 GCSE's, Post 16+ higher qualifications</li>\n<li>Solid communication skills and the ability to successfully manage</li>\n<li>Ability to prioritise and plan workload, delivering set lesson content effectively and efficiently and identifying opportunities for further support where appropriate.</li>\n</ul><p><span>classroom behaviour and focus</span></p><p><span>Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be required to undertake an enhanced criminal record check via the DBS.</span></p><p><span><strong><em>Following recommendations from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) for an additional pre employment check with effect 1 Sept 22, please note, </em></strong></span><strong><em><span>an online search may form part of this recruitment process.</span></em></strong></p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"£25,183 - £28,624","publishDate":"2025-03-26T14:30:43.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-08-31T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/d83c0e98-4e92-4457-9ea3-b4d885272bbd.jpg","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"675f36db-c038-4472-a5b9-2c84f11de314","title":"Employment Officer","employer":"Coventry City Council","department":"","location":"Coventry","locationType":3,"description":"<p>We value diverse perspectives and experiences and are striving to create a workplace culture that is inclusive, is accepting of all and is free from discrimination and bias.</p><p>Coventry City Council’s Migration Team is dedicated to meeting the needs of newly arriving communities and facilitating a successful integration journey into the city. As leaders in the field of refugee resettlement, we provide support to vulnerable individuals through various initiatives, including employment, education, language acquisition and training enabling them to contribute to the economic, civic and social fabric of our vibrant city. With collaborative partnerships and exciting projects, like \"My Coventry\", ‘’Mi-Friendly Cities’’ and \"Step Forward,\" we celebrate diversity while ensuring everyone's rights and opportunities are valued.</p><p>Join us in making Coventry a place people choose to live, learn, and work. </p><b>Our Values</b><br><p>In line with our One Coventry Values, we want to ensure that our communities are represented across our workforce. A vital part of this is ensuring we are a truly inclusive organisation that encourages diversity in all respects, including diversity of thinking. We particularly welcome applicants from minority ethnic, LGBT+, disabled and neurodiverse communities to make a real difference to our residents so that equity and respect remains at the heart of everything we do.</p>\n\n<p>Our Values are:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Open and fair: We are fair, open, and transparent.</li>\n\t<li>Nurture and develop: We help and encourage everyone to be their best and do their best.</li>\n\t<li>Engage and empower: We talk and listen to others, working together as one.</li>\n\t<li>Create and innovate: We embrace new ways of working to continuously improve.</li>\n\t<li>Own and be accountable: We work together to deliver the best services for our residents.</li>\n\t<li>Value and respect: We put diversity and inclusion at the heart of all we do.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><img alt=\"The Image “Our Values” is an image of text. It is a logotype for our One Coventry Values - Open and fair, Nurture and develop, Engage and empower, Create and innovate, Own and be accountable, Value and respect\" height=\"150\" src=\"https://www.coventry.gov.uk/images/ONE_COV_infographic.jpg\" width=\"687\"></p>\n<b>What is the job role?</b><br><p>We are looking for a passionate and flexible person with extensive experience of working and supporting refugees and newly arrived communities into work. The successful person will be able to demonstrate how they have enabled individuals from this cohort to successfully access employment opportunities.    </p><p>You will have experience of working with local employers to assist them to recruit locally focusing on the migrant and refugee community.     </p><p>You will have excellent communication skills and be able to develop a professional, long lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with local employers and Migration Team partners to ensure maximum promotion of opportunities to refugees and migrants.   </p><p>You will need to be a self-starter with the ability to engage and motivate people; have excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate at all levels and strong negotiating skills and account management experience. The successful candidate will be able to multi-task, work calmly under pressure and meet tight deadlines.   </p><p>If you are dynamic, creative, able to use your initiative and believe that you have the drive and skills to be able to make a real difference to the residents of Coventry then we want to hear from you.   </p><b>Who are we looking for?</b><br><p>This is a fixed term contract of two years.   </p><p>The right candidate will possess the following:    </p><ul>\n<li><span><span>In-depth knowledge and understanding of employment market and barriers to employment faced by refugees and newly arrived communities  </span></span></li>\n<li><span><span>Knowledge of interventions that work for refugees and newly arrived communities needing to find a job  </span></span></li>\n<li><span><span>Experience of providing employment support to refugees and newly arrived communities  </span></span></li>\n</ul><p>If you need help or support to complete your application, please visit our <a href=\"https://www.coventry.gov.uk/advice-job-seekers/accessibility\"><strong>accessibility page</strong></a> to see how we can assist you.</p><p><strong>Guaranteed Interview Scheme</strong> - As part of our commitment to inclusion, we offer guaranteed interviews for specific groups of people. To qualify, you'll need to meet the minimum requirements for the role and identify with one of the below criteria:</p><ul>\n<li>Members of the Armed Forces and veterans</li>\n<li>Are currently in care or have previously been in care</li>\n<li>If you consider yourself to be disabled or if you have a long-term health condition</li>\n</ul><p>For full details on the application process please read the attached document on our jobs page labelled 'Coventry City Council Application Process'. If there is any evidence of a candidate using AI to complete their application, then the application will be rejected unless the candidate can provide a justification which the Council considers to be reasonable.</p><p>Interview date(s): 25/04/2025</p><b>About Coventry</b><br><p><strong>Coventry has a proud, innovative and creative spirit that throughout its history has seen communities come together to tackle problems and bring about real social change.</strong></p>\n\n<p>We are cutting-edge, challenging, youthful, vibrant and diverse.<br>\n<br>\nAt Coventry we are committed to excellence in everything we do. With around 5100 staff from a range of different backgrounds, our aim is to recruit and develop talented people who will focus on our customers, take responsibility, work together and find better ways of doing things.</p>\n\n<p>To deliver the best services to our residents, we need the best people working for us to make a difference to our communities.</p>\n\n<p>If you join us, we will provide a fantastic rewards and benefits package - to find out more please visit <a href=\"https://www.coventry.gov.uk/council-vacancies\">https://www.coventry.gov.uk/council-vacancies</a></p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"£27711 - £33366","publishDate":"2025-03-26T14:19:01.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-13T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/1c063a52-efdf-48b1-9a6f-b1f98327b79b.jpg","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"a43a9f57-021b-424a-9691-e607be1738c6","title":"Administration","employer":"Cheshire East Council","department":"Park Lane School","location":"Park Lane, Macclesfield","locationType":3,"description":"<p>Park Lane School has a vacancy for an Administration Assistant to join our staff team.</p>\n<p>An experienced and enthusiastic administration assistant is required as soon as possible.</p>\n<p>You will be required to have an Enhanced DBS which will be provided by school.</p>\n<p>Hours: 5 days per week. 8.30-3.30pm. </p>\n<p>Term Time Only - 38 weeks per year</p>\n<p>Rate of pay- Grade 3 part time. Pro rata. £12.45ph </p>\n<p>You should have:-</p>\n<ul>\n<li>A positive attitude towards and ability to engage with children and young people who have severe disabilities.</li>\n<li>Some experience in working with children and young people in a school or other setting.  </li>\n<li>Ability to communicate effectively with pupils, parents, staff and visitors.</li>\n<li>Good standard of oral and written English.</li>\n<li>Knowledge of computer programmes including Word and Excel.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You will get:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Inspiring students.</li>\n<li>A supportive working environment.</li>\n<li>Experienced and knowledgeable colleagues.</li>\n<li>Opportunities to attend quality CPD relevant to your job role.</li>\n</ul>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Please contact Vicky Lomas for an application form or for more details. <a href=\"mailto:head@parklane.cheshire.sch.uk\">admin@parklane.cheshire.sch.uk</a> </p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"Grade 3 SCP 3-SCP 4 (Actual salary £19,107.36 -£19,407.68)","publishDate":"2025-03-26T14:01:00.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-21T15:30:00.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/d06ee7ea-0780-4dd6-85f8-de630be2e85e.jpg","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"cf500516-f538-4c6a-96f4-161f0d1b663c","title":"Teacher (MPS)","employer":"Cheshire East Council","department":"Buglawton Primary School","location":"Buglawton Primary School","locationType":3,"description":"<p>The Headteacher and Governors of Buglawton Primary School are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic, experienced and engaging class teacher to join our successful teaching team from September 2025, for one year in the first instance. This part time post is 0.5 (2.5 days per week) in KS1 and EY as part of a job share and PPA cover in our one form entry primary school.</p>\n<p>The successful candidate will need to:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Be an excellent and proven classroom practitioner</li>\n<li>Be dedicated to providing holistic development and pastoral support</li>\n<li>Be willing to make an active contribution to the broader life of the school</li>\n<li>Be committed to delivering a positive impact for all children</li>\n</ul>\n<p>A supporting statement should be included in the job application, explaining how your skills and experience best fit the needs of our school.</p>\n<p>In return, Buglawton Primary School is able to offer you:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>A highly supportive staff and senior leadership team</li>\n<li>Children that are eager and willing to learn</li>\n<li>Opportunities to develop yourself both personally and professionally</li>\n<li>Access to termly coaching with a qualified external partner</li>\n<li>A commitment to promoting your wellbeing and balancing workload</li>\n</ul>\n<p>We would love for prospective applicants to visit our school and see us in action. Visits can be accommodated on:<br><br>Thursday 3<sup>rd</sup> April 2025 at 9am or 4.00pm</p>\n<p>Please contact the school office (<a href=\"mailto:admin@buglawton.cheshire.sch.uk\">admin@buglawton.cheshire.sch.uk</a>) or 01260 633080 to confirm your attendance.</p>\n<p>Closing Date: Friday 18<sup>th</sup> April 2025 at 3pm.</p>\n<p>The recruitment process will consist of a classroom observation and interview, scheduled to take place on Thursday 1<sup>st</sup> May 2025.</p>\n<p>Buglawton Primary is committed to Safeguarding children and young people.  This post is subject to an enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).  Shortlisted candidates will be subject to an online check and, in line with safer recruitment practice, pre-employment checks will be undertaken before any appointment is confirmed.<br><br>Please refer to our Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy which can be found on our school website at <a href=\"https://www.buglawtonprimaryschool.org/page/policies/56302\">Buglawton Primary School: Policies</a></p>\n<p> </p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"M1 - M6","publishDate":"2025-03-26T12:54:00.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-18T14:00:00.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/ee79ee8d-bfdd-4a53-958c-b5cd32ca0aec.jpg","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"87a9bd8d-d31e-4b1f-86fa-59d5f09db7f2","title":"ICT Procurement and Contract Management Lead","employer":"Chesterfield Borough Council","department":"","location":"Chesterfield","locationType":2,"description":"<p><strong>Reference:</strong> CBC25017<br><strong>Salary details: </strong>£34,314 to £37,035 per year<br><strong>Job term: </strong>Permanent<br><strong>Appointment type:</strong> Full time<br><strong>Hours: </strong>37 per a week<br><strong>Location:</strong> Town Hall / Hybrid<br><strong>Department: </strong>Digital and Technology Service </p>\n<p>Chesterfield Borough Council’s Digital and Technology Service team is excited to announce an opportunity for an experienced and self-motivated Procurement and Contract Management Lead.</p>\n<p>This pivotal role involves leading procurement activities, providing specialist commercial advice, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and best practices.</p>\n<p>You will manage the end-to-end procurement of contracts, including high-value and complex projects, and representing the specialised procurement requirements of ICT with Chesterfield's central Procurement and Legal teams, and play a central role in delivering continuous improvement across commercial activities.</p>\n<p><strong>Key responsibilities Include:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>leading and advising on procurement strategies, market analysis, and route-to-market decisions</li>\n<li>drafting tender documentation and contracts</li>\n<li>managing tender evaluations, moderations, and supplier feedback</li>\n<li>contract mobilisation, performance monitoring, change control, and risk management</li>\n<li>developing relationships with suppliers, SMEs, and voluntary sector organisations</li>\n<li>ensuring compliance with procurement regulations including Public Contract Regulations, Social Value Act, Transparency Code, and best value duties</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>About you: </strong></p>\n<p>You will be proactive, with a proven track record in procurement, contract management, and supplier relationship management. Previous public sector experience is desirable, alongside strong influencing, decision-making, and communication skills.</p>\n<p><strong>Why join Chesterfield Borough Council? </strong></p>\n<p>Chesterfield Borough Council is committed to enhancing the lives of our residents and communities through our comprehensive Council Plan.</p>\n<p>Our Council Plan for 2023 to 2027 prioritises making Chesterfield a thriving borough, improving quality of life for residents, and building a resilient council.</p>\n<p>We focus on putting communities first, adopting a customer-focused approach, demonstrating a 'can do' attitude, working collaboratively as one council, and upholding honesty and respect. We actively engage with residents, businesses, and community groups to continuously improve our services and ensure Chesterfield remains a great place to live, work, visit, and invest. </p>\n<p>We deliver a wide range of essential services including housing, leisure, environmental services, economic development, and customer services. Discover more about our vision, values, and services at <a>www.chesterfield.gov.uk</a>.</p>\n<p><strong>We offer a rewarding and supportive working environment with excellent benefits:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>pension: Local Government Pension Scheme with immediate life insurance and secure career-average pension</li>\n<li>flexible working: comprehensive flexible working options including home working, flexitime, compressed hours, and job share opportunities</li>\n<li>generous leave: 23 to 32 days annual leave (based on service) plus bank holidays and discretionary Christmas leave</li>\n<li>enhanced family leave: above statutory minimum maternity, paternity, adoption, and shared parental leave</li>\n<li>health and wellbeing: free eye tests, counselling, physiotherapy, and an in-house mental health first aid team</li>\n<li>learning and development: support for your career with paid study leave, training opportunities, and professional fee coverage</li>\n<li>discounts and savings: cycle-to-work scheme, childcare vouchers, discounted leisure memberships, car park passes, and travel discounts</li>\n<li>trade union support: recognition of trade unions (UNISON, UNITE, GMB) with facilities and leave for representatives</li>\n<li>recognition: annual national pay increases and long-service awards at 25 and 35 years</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>Contract details:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>flexible home working policy with 2 to 3 days per week office presence</li>\n<li>a basic DBS check is required for this post</li>\n</ul>\n<p>For an informal discussion, please contact Jonathan Alsop at <a title=\"Email Jonathan Alsop\" href=\"mailto:jonathan.alsop@chesterfield.gov.uk\">jonathan.alsop@chesterfield.gov.uk,</a>or to apply please see below.</p>\n<p>Join us and contribute to delivering best value and innovation in procurement and contract management at Chesterfield Borough Council.</p>\n<p><strong>Candidates must possess the necessary right to work authorisation to enable them to work for Chesterfield Borough Council. Regrettably, we are unable to provide sponsorship or assume sponsorship of an employment visa at this juncture.</strong> </p>\n<h3>How to apply</h3>\n<p>Interested candidates should initially apply with their CV and a covering letter stating the job title, and clearly demonstrating suitability and experience for the role. Please send it to <a title=\"Email the human resources team\" href=\"mailto:hrjobs@chesterfield.gov.uk\">hrjobs@chesterfield.gov.uk</a> no later than the closing date shown below.</p>\n<div>\n<strong>Closing date:</strong> 27 April 2025</div>\n<p><strong>Provisional interview date: </strong>6 May 2025</p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"£34,314 to £37,035 per year","publishDate":"2025-03-26T12:05:00.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-27T22:52:00.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/f1ba8900-3a8d-4640-8711-bb815efe70e9.jpg","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"a96e358a-2991-4c1a-86d4-3e65e23e2265","title":"Learning Support Assistant 1-1 - Sidney Stringer Primary Academy","employer":"Coventry City Council","department":"","location":"Coventry","locationType":3,"description":"<b>What is the job role?</b><br><p>Under the instruction/guidance of class teacher and within the overall ethos of the Academy, undertake care and learning programmes and activities to support individuals or groups of pupils, including more specific support for those with special education needs. This will include working with an individual child with an Education Heath Care Plan. Enable access to learning for children and assist the teacher in the management of children and the classroom. Work may be carried out in the classroom or in other teaching areas.</p><p><strong>Work Pattern</strong></p><p>32.5 hours per week</p><p>39 weeks term time only</p><b>Who are we looking for?</b><br><p>We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic and committed Learning Support Assistant. To help promote independent learning, reinforce learning and assist children with physical needs. The successful candidate will support the teacher in implementing specific teaching programmes and supervise practical tasks. We are looking for someone who can work as part of the team in relation to individual children, liaising, advising and consulting where appropriate.</p><p>To apply please use the below link:</p><p><a href=\"https://www.eteach.com/careers/sidneystringeracademy/job/learning-support-assistant-1473283/?lang=en-GB\">https://www.eteach.com/careers/sidneystringeracademy/job/learning-support-assistant-1473283/?lang=en-GB</a></p><p>Any queries should be sent to <a href=\"mailto:rpaandssprecruitment@sidneystringeracademy.org.uk\">rpaandssprecruitment@sidneystringeracademy.org.uk</a></p><p><strong>Closing date:  Monday 7<sup>th</sup> April 2025 at 12pm</strong></p><p><strong>Interview date:   TBC</strong></p><p>Following recommendations from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) for an additional pre-employment check with effect 1 Sept 22, please note, an online search may form part of this recruitment process.</p><p>Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be required to undertake an enhanced criminal record check via the DBS.</p><p><strong><em>Following recommendations from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) for an additional pre employment check with effect 1 Sept 22, please note, an online search may form part of this recruitment process.</em></strong></p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"£18,031 - £18,601 per annum","publishDate":"2025-03-26T10:52:59.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-07T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/b3f27a80-728b-4995-a166-8436dd20d0ce.jpg","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"3b23d15a-22a8-4798-b398-979a1c937119","title":"Teacher of Computer Science - AI Innovation Lead - Sidney Stringer Academy","employer":"Coventry City Council","department":"","location":"Coventry","locationType":3,"description":"<b>What is the job role?</b><br><p>We are looking for a motivated and enthusiastic teacher of Computer Science to become part of our team. The ideal candidate will design and deliver engaging lessons that align with the curriculum, inspiring students to achieve their full potential. This role involves creating a supportive and dynamic learning environment while fostering both academic growth and personal development in every student.</p><b>Who are we looking for?</b><br><p><strong>The right candidate will have:</strong></p><p>Qualified Teacher Status or equivalent qualification</p><p>Relevant specialist qualifications and subject experience (e.g BA Hons. degree in Computer Science)</p><p>Understanding of curriculum requirements for Computer Science</p><p>Evidence of commitment to continuing professional development</p><p>Understanding of how to implement assessment methods for differentiated learning strategies</p><p>Ability to work independently and collaboratively within a team</p><p>A passion for exploring the potential of AI in education and a commitment to ethical and responsible innovation</p><p>To apply please use the below link: <a href=\"https://www.eteach.com/careers/sidneystringeracademy/job/teacher-of-computer-science---ai-innovation-lead-1473122/?lang=en-GB\">https://www.eteach.com/careers/sidneystringeracademy/job/teacher-of-computer-science---ai-innovation-lead-1473122/?lang=en-GB</a> </p><p>Any queries should be sent to <a href=\"mailto:recruitment@sidneystringeracademy.org.uk\">recruitment@sidneystringeracademy.org.uk</a></p><p><strong>Closing date:   Monday 31<sup>st</sup> March 2025 at 12pm</strong></p><p><strong>Interview date:  Wednesday 2<sup>nd</sup> April 2025</strong></p><p>Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be required to undertake an enhanced criminal record check via the DBS.</p><p><strong><em>Following recommendations from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) for an additional pre employment check with effect 1 Sept 22, please note, </em></strong><strong><em>an online search may form part of this recruitment process.</em></strong></p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"TMS/UPS + TLR 2b","publishDate":"2025-03-25T13:14:30.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-03-31T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/dbd3e2e8-75bb-474d-a59d-ce5ac7fa4373.jpg","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"eb7bbb8b-96c4-4532-a962-05804c783a29","title":"Wraparound Manager - Ravensdale Primary","employer":"Coventry City Council","department":"","location":"Ravensdale Primary School","locationType":3,"description":"<b>What is the job role?</b><br><p>Ravensdale Primary are seeking a Manager for it’s Wraparound provision, Raven Club. </p><p>You will be managing the popular before and after school care of pupils from nursery through to year 6. With an experienced team.</p><p>You will be ensuring that children are safe and cared for, whilst also enjoying a programme of activities in a stimulating environment.</p><b>Who are we looking for?</b><br><p>Any key attributes you want or need?</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Closing date: Note, adverts shut off at midnight on your closing date Sunday 6th April</strong></p><p><strong>Interview date: Friday 11th April</strong></p><p><br></p><p>Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be required to undertake an enhanced criminal record check via the DBS.</p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Following recommendations from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) for an additional pre employment check with effect 1 Sept 22, please note, an online search may form part of this recruitment process.</em></strong></p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"25183 – 28624 (TTO pro rata)","publishDate":"2025-03-25T12:39:09.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-06T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/ae9414d3-ff8b-4bf6-b68d-3624db00b223.jpg","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"971507d5-f044-4f86-8163-5b7c84399b4f","title":"Conference Support Officer","employer":"Coventry City Council","department":"","location":"Coventry Broadgate House","locationType":3,"description":"<p>We value diverse perspectives and experiences and are striving to create a workplace culture that is inclusive, is accepting of all and is free from discrimination and bias.</p>\n\n<p>Join us at Coventry City Council on our remarkable journey to shape a brighter future for the city's children, young people and families! As a 'Good' Local Authority, we strive for excellence and place children and young people at the heart of our practice. We're seeking individuals who are enthusiastic, flexible, and eager to develop their skills.  </p>\n\n<p>In our Professional Support Service, you'll play a vital role, supporting Children’s Services on an administrative basis, you'll contribute significantly to Children’s Services, ensuring positive outcomes for vulnerable children and families. Join our passionate and dedicated team, and together, let's make a meaningful impact on the lives of Coventry's children! </p>\n<b>Our Values</b><br><p>In line with our One Coventry Values, we want to ensure that our communities are represented across our workforce. A vital part of this is ensuring we are a truly inclusive organisation that encourages diversity in all respects, including diversity of thinking. We particularly welcome applicants from minority ethnic, LGBT+, disabled and neurodiverse communities to make a real difference to our residents so that equity and respect remains at the heart of everything we do. </p>\n\n<p>Our Values are:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Open and fair: We are fair, open, and transparent.</li>\n\t<li>Nurture and develop: We help and encourage everyone to be their best and do their best.</li>\n\t<li>Engage and empower: We talk and listen to others, working together as one.</li>\n\t<li>Create and innovate: We embrace new ways of working to continuously improve.</li>\n\t<li>Own and be accountable: We work together to deliver the best services for our residents.</li>\n\t<li>Value and respect: We put diversity and inclusion at the heart of all we do.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><img alt=\"The Image “Our Values” is an image of text. It is a logotype for our One Coventry Values - Open and fair, Nurture and develop, Engage and empower, Create and innovate, Own and be accountable, Value and respect\" height=\"150\" src=\"https://www.coventry.gov.uk/images/ONE_COV_infographic.jpg\" width=\"687\"></p>\n<b>What is the job role?</b><br><p> We currently have one vacancy for a Conference Support Officer.  29.50 hours per week. Salary will be pro rata according to hours.</p><p>This role will be based within the Professional Support Service Quality Assurance Team and will support a range of complex meetings such as Child Protection Conferences and Adults Safeguarding meetings, ensuring a smooth and efficient process in preparation for, during and after the meetings, producing comprehensive electronic outcomes and minutes from said conferences in accordance with the legislative requirements and ensuring a positive and professional experience for children and families.  </p><p>You will work closely with the Conference Meeting Chair to complete any required after-conference work, such as distributing outcomes and recording those on the in-house case management system.  </p><p>You will be required to support service improvement and Ofsted priorities across Children’s Services and continue to work towards our over-arching goal, making a difference in improving the lives of Children, Families and Young People.  </p><p>Your role will be to work as part of a team and independently, your duties will include supporting the Child Protection Chair and partner agencies during Child Protection Conferences, supporting Adult Safeguarding Meetings, Position of Trust meeting and any other meetings that are within the safeguarding arena, team managers on a day to day basis.</p><p>To ensure that professional arrangements of Child Protection Conferences, Adult Safeguarding Conferences and other specified child protection meetings are made on the day.</p><p>To participate in all such meetings by taking comprehensive electronic notes to be reproduced as official documents, \"Letters of Conferences,\" \"Minutes of Conferences\" and minutes of other specified meetings.</p><p>To work in accordance with Coventry Safeguarding Board (Children and Adult), Children & Adult Social Care and Children’s Quality Assurance Service guidance and procedures.</p><p>This post is exempted under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and as such appointment to this post will be conditional upon the receipt of a satisfactory response to a check of police records via Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).</p><p><br></p><b>Who are we looking for?</b><br><p>We are looking for someone who:</p><ul>\n<li> Is a self-starter</li>\n<li>Is a team-player</li>\n<li>Is a good communicator</li>\n<li>Has strong organisational and time management skills</li>\n<li>Thrives in a busy and diverse environment</li>\n<li>Able to problem solve</li>\n<li>An excellent listening, has great attention to detail along with excellent written and verbal communication skills</li>\n<li>Able to use their own initiative </li>\n</ul><p>In return you will be offered:</p><ul>\n<li>A welcoming and supportive working environment</li>\n<li>Access to a range of career development and training opportunities</li>\n<li>A flexible family friendly working culture</li>\n</ul><p>If you need help or support to complete your application, please visit our <a href=\"https://www.coventry.gov.uk/advice-job-seekers/accessibility\">accessibility page</a> to see how we can assist you.</p><p><strong>Guaranteed Interview Scheme</strong> - As part of our commitment to inclusion, we offer guaranteed interviews for specific groups of people. To qualify, you'll need to meet the minimum requirements for the role and identify with one of the below criteria:</p><ul>\n<li>Members of the Armed Forces and veterans</li>\n<li>Are currently in care or have previously been in care</li>\n<li>If you consider yourself to be disabled or if you have a long-term health condition</li>\n</ul><p>For full details on the application process please read the attached document on our jobs page labelled 'Coventry City Council Application Process'. If there is any evidence of a candidate using AI to complete their application, then the application will be rejected unless the candidate can provide a justification which the Council considers to be reasonable.</p><p>Interview date(s): week beginning 14th April 2025</p><p><img alt=\"\" height=\"144\" src=\"https://www.coventry.gov.uk/images/Child_Friendly_Cov_signature_strip.png\" width=\"966\"></p><b>About Coventry</b><br><p><strong>Coventry has a proud, innovative and creative spirit that throughout its history has seen communities come together to tackle problems and bring about real social change.</strong></p>\n\n<p>We are cutting-edge, challenging, youthful, vibrant and diverse.<br>\n<br>\nAt Coventry we are committed to excellence in everything we do. With around 5100 staff from a range of different backgrounds, our aim is to recruit and develop talented people who will focus on our customers, take responsibility, work together and find better ways of doing things.</p>\n\n<p>To deliver the best services to our residents, we need the best people working for us to make a difference to our communities.</p>\n\n<p>If you join us, we will provide a fantastic rewards and benefits package - to find out more please visit <a href=\"https://www.coventry.gov.uk/council-vacancies\">https://www.coventry.gov.uk/council-vacancies</a></p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"£25183 - £28624 Salary will be pro rata to the number of hours worked","publishDate":"2025-03-25T08:55:33.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-06T23:59:59.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/7efeaecc-dab9-4d7a-a15d-de7b978f4093.jpg","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false},{"id":"24245e17-7d60-4f63-8b0c-248748a62f71","title":"Residential Worker - Children's Disability Services","employer":"Staffordshire County Council","department":"","location":"Cannock","locationType":3,"description":"<p><strong>Join us in Staffordshire to work with our children, young people, and families. </strong></p>\n<p>We are committed to providing the best care and support, fostering lifelong relationships with our children. Creativity and fun are at the core of our approach, both inside and outside the homes. Our specialist teams support children and young people across Staffordshire, with numerous vacancies available.</p>\n<p>As we continue to develop and enhance our in house short break services for young people with disabilities, we currently have a<strong> part time vacancy<strong> (18.5 hours per week) and a 24 month fixed term (37 hours per week)</strong> in Cannock</strong> in Cannock. </p>\n<p>Hours to meet the needs of the young people currently using the service and will include evening, weekend working and sleep ins. Our new increased pay range recognises the challenging nature of the role.</p>\n<p>We embrace strength-based approaches and offer a rewarding work-life balance.</p>\n<p><strong>Main Responsibilities</strong></p>\n<p>As a Residential Worker, you'll:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>work within the children's home, supporting young people aged 8 to 17.</li>\n<li>be involved providing care and support so that our young people experience a positive short break in a homely environment.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You'll be part of individualised activities to develop targeted skills and promote independence.</p>\n<p><strong>What you can expect from us:</strong></p>\n<p>We have a detailed induction programme specifically designed to cover all elements of the role, so that you have all the tools and knowledge ready to get going.</p>\n<p>We have an ambitious, confident, and motivated management team who are experienced, supportive, and keen to help you learn and grow. We have a selection of training courses to support your development, and even have funded qualifications we can support you with obtaining.</p>\n<p>You will have a monthly 1:1 reflective space with managers, a comprehensive employee support offer, and lots of opportunity to network with other professionals that support children.</p>\n<p><strong>The Ideal Candidate</strong></p>\n<p>We encourage our children to participate and get involved in all decisions, and recruitment is no different. It is really important to us that anyone joining the residential team has the skills, abilities, and outlook that our children tell us they need from us.</p>\n<p>What our children want from you:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><em>\"I would like someone like me who has time to listen instead of being behind a locked door”</em></li>\n<li><em>\"I would like someone who listens to me but also takes action and who I can have a laugh with – they also need to be able to make nice food\"</em></li>\n<li><em>\"I would like someone who spends time with me\"</em></li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>What we are looking for:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<strong>Passion</strong> – Thinking creatively to ensure that our children are supported to achieve their aspirations (no matter how big or small) will need to be top of your list! We are looking for passionate practitioners (irrelevant of length of experience) who truly care and want to make a difference to children, young people and families.</li>\n<li>\n<strong>Challenge</strong> – Some days will be tough, for our children, for you, and for your colleagues - we're after someone who is dedicated and committed, and who will always go that extra mile for our children (even on the bad days). Working as part of a close professional team is really important and you will need to be a team player to get through those tough times.</li>\n<li>\n<strong>Forward thinking</strong> – We are an expanding service with big ideas and aspirational views. We are looking for workers who can join our team and join us on this exciting journey, making contributions to help shape and inform the future of the service for our children</li>\n<li>\n<strong>Values </strong>– We are looking for someone who has values aligned to those that are integral to our service and our organisation - supportive, innovative, respectful and collaborative</li>\n</ul>\n<p>“We’re happy to talk flexible working” </p>\n<p><strong>Are you interested?</strong></p>\n<p>You are welcome to contact any one of our Residential Senior Managers to discuss the role in greater detail and gain more information about the service. They can be contacted either by email or phone – 01543 879820 </p>\n<p>Jo Heath ( Manager, Cannock) <a href=\"mailto:jo.heath@staffordshire.gov.uk\">jo.heath@staffordshire.gov.uk</a></p>\n<p>Vicky Johnson ( Deputy manager) <a href=\"mailto:vicky.johnson@staffordshire.gov.uk\">vicky.johnson@staffordshire.gov.uk</a> </p>\n<p><strong>Interview Date will be: 28th April 25</strong></p>\n<p>When applying please ensure your supporting statement shows evidence how you meet the criteria for the role. We may be unable to shortlist you for interview without this evidence.</p>\n<p>This role is regulated by CQC or Ofsted so it also a requirement that we obtain FULL employment history, from leaving secondary school. Please note should you be invited to interview for this role, this information will be required.</p>\n<p><strong>Our Recruitment Process:</strong> We anonymise applications during shortlisting to ensure only relevant information is considered. Please complete your application fully, especially the supporting statement, to highlight what you’ll bring to the role.</p>\n<p><strong>About Staffordshire County Council</strong></p>\n<p><strong>We are no ordinary county council:</strong></p>\n<p><strong>Our Values:</strong></p>\n<p>The core of who we are as an organisation. Just like we all have personal values that shape our thoughts and behaviour, organisational values drive how we think and act collectively.</p>\n<p>Our values were created and shaped by colleague feedback and national best practice and they sit at the heart of People Strategy:</p>\n<p><img src=\"https://staffscc-uploads-eu-west-2.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/63806fb8a56160f4aa0fa5dc8ac1debabf27234b.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"700\" height=\"272\"></p>\n<p>We have a real sense of community spirit that brings our people together. This feeling of belonging means we are all connected to what we do and take pride in the difference we make every day for Staffordshire people. We are ambitious and our sights are set firmly on a better future.</p>\n<p>We look forward and race ahead - that goes for your career too. </p>\n<p><strong>Our benefits:</strong></p>\n<p>We recognise that it is our employees that are central to everything we do. We aim to create a supportive working environment where employees can achieve their full potential and achieve a healthy work-life balance. </p>\n<p>In addition to your salary, as a member of staff, you will have access to <a href=\"https://www.careersatstaffordshire.co.uk/our-rewards-and-benefits/\">Our rewards and benefits - Careers at Staffordshire</a></p>\n<p><strong>Our recruitment process:</strong></p>\n<p>As an Authority we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people/vulnerable adults and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.</p>\n<p>Staffordshire County Council is an equal opportunities organisation and Disability Confident employer. We encourage applications from all background and communities</p>\n<p>As part of our commitment as a Disability Confident employer, a Gold Award Armed Forces employer and our commitment to supporting care leavers - we offer a guaranteed interview as long as your application meets the minimum criteria for the post. </p>\n<p>As you’ll know safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children and young people/vulnerable adults is important to us and that’s why this position is subject to a criminal record check from the Disclosure and Barring Service. If applicable you should disclose details of unspent and unfiltered spent reprimands, formal warnings, cautions and convictions in your application form.</p>","shortDescription":"","salaryDescription":"£31,067- £34,314 pro rota (this includes plus 2 spinal column points for unsociable working hours)","publishDate":"2025-03-24T13:27:58.000Z","expirationDate":"2025-04-23T13:27:58.000Z","logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/50aa1af2-220c-49f8-bb8c-86d8afee4a9f.png","score":1,"featured":false,"enhanced":false}],"totalResults":120,"page":1,"pageSize":20,"facets":{"ContractType":{"1":94,"2":4,"3":1,"5":21},"WorkingPatterns":{"1":78,"2":37,"3":19,"6":1,"7":3,"8":1},"EmployerType":{"education":25,"health & social work/care":1,"local government":94},"PublishDate":{"1":5,"2":15,"3":25,"4":78,"5":120},"LocationType":{"2":9,"3":111},"JobTypes":{"administration":33,"caretaking":3,"catering":2,"childcare":2,"community":2,"education":13,"engineering":1,"finance":3,"health and safety":6,"housing":2,"it support":1,"legal":1,"maintenance":3,"management":1,"planning":4,"policy":2,"project management":1,"social care":16,"social work":2,"teaching":24,"transport":1,"youth work":4}},"randomNumber":0,"noOfFeaturedJobs":1,"bounds":[{"lat":53.226223,"lng":-2.4707897},{"lat":52.423244,"lng":-2.4707897},{"lat":52.423244,"lng":-1.5853847},{"lat":53.226223,"lng":-1.5853847},{"lat":53.226223,"lng":-2.4707897}],"error":null}},"dataUpdateCount":1,"dataUpdatedAt":1743223703798,"error":null,"errorUpdateCount":0,"errorUpdatedAt":0,"fetchFailureCount":0,"fetchFailureReason":null,"fetchMeta":null,"isInvalidated":false,"status":"success","fetchStatus":"idle"},"queryKey":["jobs",null,"stafford",null,null,{},{"contractType":[],"workingPatterns":[],"locationType":[],"jobTypes":[],"employerType":[],"datePosted":5},2,1],"queryHash":"[\"jobs\",null,\"stafford\",null,null,{},{\"contractType\":[],\"datePosted\":5,\"employerType\":[],\"jobTypes\":[],\"locationType\":[],\"workingPatterns\":[]},2,1]"},{"state":{"data":null,"dataUpdateCount":1,"dataUpdatedAt":1743223703536,"error":null,"errorUpdateCount":0,"errorUpdatedAt":0,"fetchFailureCount":0,"fetchFailureReason":null,"fetchMeta":null,"isInvalidated":false,"status":"success","fetchStatus":"idle"},"queryKey":["jobTypesAutocomplete",null],"queryHash":"[\"jobTypesAutocomplete\",null]"}]}
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