Hoylake Holy Trinity CE Primary School (On-Site)
Contract, Part time
Enhanced DBS check required
£11,765 to £11,951
39 weeks per year
Band C
Part time 20.00 hours per week – 39 weeks per year
Fixed Term to 31/07/2026
Required from 21/04/2025
We are looking for a Teaching Assistant to join our friendly, hard working and inclusive team. We are a very happy and inclusive Church school with dedicated staff and Governors, supportive parents and wonderful children.
We can offer you:
- A school with polite, well behaved children
- A strong team that is passionate, forward thinking and approach their professionalism with rigour.
- Staff who support each other emotionally and professionally
- An inclusive and supportive working environment
The Governors and Headteacher are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic, self motivated and friendly teaching assistant to join our team as soon as possible. The successful candidate will work on a 1to1 capacity in a KS1 class. Hours of work will be 9am until 1pm Monday to Friday.
Closing date for applications is 12pm on Monday 24th March 2025.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited attend an interview on Monday 31st March.
Completed Wirral application form (not diocese application form), and a letter of application (no more than 2 sides A4) to be sent to Mrs Christine Wright, Head Teacher, at the school address below. Online applications will be accepted and should be sent to schooloffice@hoylakeholytrinity.wirral.sch.uk
The school is committed to the highest standards of safeguarding and promoting the safety and welfare of our children and expects the same level of commitment from all staff.
This post is subject to an Enhanced Level DBS check.
All applicants will be considered on the basis of suitability for the post regardless of sex, race or disability
Hoylake Holy Trinity CE Primary School
Market Street
CH47 3BH
Tel: 0151 632 4153
Email: schooloffice@hoylakeholytrinity.wirral.sch.uk