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Teacher (UPS)

Malpas Alport Primary School

18 days left to apply

Malpas Alport Primary School logo

Apply now

Malpas Alport Endowed Primary School (On-Site)

Temporary, Full time, Job share, Part time

MPS or UPS plus TLR2 for experience in SENDCo

0.7 part-time role in class and SENDCo

Are you passionate about nurturing young minds and helping children discover the joy of learning and excellence for everyone? Malpas Alport Endowed Primary School is seeking a dedicated and enthusiastic KS1 teacher with a keen interested in SEND to join our fabulous team.

We require a teacher who is passionate about making a difference to the life of every child in their class and is committed to providing challenge for all. As a trauma attuned school, knowledge of attachment friendly and trauma informed techniques and approaches are necessary, but in-school training will be offered to develop and enhance these skills. The post runs from September 2025 for one year initially, with the possibility of becoming permanent the year after.

The role has a part-time teaching commitment of 2/3 days per week in KS1, with further time out of class to develop the SEND offer at our school. This would equate to a possible 0.7/ 0.8/ full time position in school depending on the candidate. Experience of working with teachers to support them with adaptions for children with SEND and Neurodivergence is important whilst efficient prioritisation and time management is crucial. Support and training for the role are provided and experience of referral pathways and Education Health Care Plans is necessary. Time to develop into the role will be supported alongside liaison and support with other SENDCos and the Local Authority.

We offer a dedicated team of staff who support each other, and a happy school community who work well to achieve the best outcomes for all. 

The successful candidate will support the safeguarding ethos which is high priority throughout our school and will be subject to enhance DBS and reference checks.

Malpas is a small rural village on the borders of Cheshire, Shropshire, Cheshire East and Wales and has excellent transport links to the A41 and A49

Candidate school visit: Friday 28th March 2025 4.00pm/ Monday 31st March 2025 4.15pm- please call the school office to book on 01244 268600

Closing date: Friday 18th April 2025                 Interviews: Wednesday 7th May 2025

Closing date: Fri 18/04/2025 at 12:30
Job reference: P/25/307807
Vacancy downloads:





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