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This will include internet and social<br>media searches and references from current employer or settings where you have worked with<br>children.</p>\n<p>We are an Equal Opportunities Employer.</p>\n<p><br>To arrange an informal visit to the school and a meeting with Tony McGuinness, Headteacher at<br>All Saints Catholic High School please contact Maria McGowan (mmcgowan@allsaintschs.org.uk)</p>","shortDescription":"","jobType":"Education","employerType":"Education","howToApplyText":"<p>Please complete a letter of interest together with a job application form that can be found on the school website by clicking the following link : <a href=\"http://www.allsaintschs.org.uk/\">All Saints CHS</a> and return to <strong>mmcgowan@allsaintschs.org.uk</strong></p>","employer":"Knowsley Council","employerId":"eed7ede0-7821-4905-9dda-4102f86e0878","department":"All Saints Catholic High School","departmentId":"9e34d145-5fce-42cd-9de4-902e9d41ee96","location":"Roughwood Drive, Kirkby","locationHierarchy":[{"types":["postal_code"],"value":"L33 8XF"},{"types":["postal_town"],"value":"Liverpool"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"value":"Merseyside"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"value":"England"},{"types":["country","political"],"value":"United Kingdom"}],"locationType":3,"salaryDescription":"£24,027 - £24,404 pro rata per annum","salaryFrom":24027,"salaryTo":24004,"exactSalary":null,"salaryFrequency":"pro rata per annum","workingPatterns":[3,1],"workingHoursDescription":"43 weeks per year","contractType":1,"dbsCheckRequired":true,"dbsType":1,"publishDate":"2024-11-19T11:06:00.000Z","expirationDate":"2024-12-06T12:00:00.000Z","applicationMethod":2,"applicationUrl":null,"documents":[],"logoUri":"https://www.lgjobs.com/logos/logos/c5afb43f-928b-4d08-8d22-5afec1428de8.png","awardLogoUris":[],"canonicalUrl":"https://www.jobsgopublic.com/jobs/75f219ba-d692-4ee1-a11b-2c6b1e366ed2","createdDate":"2024-11-19T11:06:51.000Z","applicationFormName":"","onHold":false,"expired":false,"featuredJob":false,"featuredJobRefreshed":false,"enhanced":false,"applied":false},"dataUpdateCount":1,"dataUpdatedAt":1732186987393,"error":null,"errorUpdateCount":0,"errorUpdatedAt":0,"fetchFailureCount":0,"fetchFailureReason":null,"fetchMeta":null,"isInvalidated":false,"status":"success","fetchStatus":"idle"},"queryKey":["jobDetails","75f219ba-d692-4ee1-a11b-2c6b1e366ed2"],"queryHash":"[\"jobDetails\",\"75f219ba-d692-4ee1-a11b-2c6b1e366ed2\"]"},{"state":{"data":[{"jobId":"681bff2a-bb61-463f-b03f-2ba187039b0a","jobTitle":"Clinical Supervisor","employerName":"London Borough of Redbridge"},{"jobId":"71cbc21b-c034-4286-9067-453505d917ba","jobTitle":"Teaching Assistant - Permanent","employerName":"Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council"},{"jobId":"273b485a-0fa7-4526-b9b7-05c064eb5579","jobTitle":"Administration","employerName":"Cheshire East Council"}],"dataUpdateCount":1,"dataUpdatedAt":1732186988669,"error":null,"errorUpdateCount":0,"errorUpdatedAt":0,"fetchFailureCount":0,"fetchFailureReason":null,"fetchMeta":null,"isInvalidated":false,"status":"success","fetchStatus":"idle"},"queryKey":["similarJobs","75f219ba-d692-4ee1-a11b-2c6b1e366ed2"],"queryHash":"[\"similarJobs\",\"75f219ba-d692-4ee1-a11b-2c6b1e366ed2\"]"}]}



Science Technician [Apprentice]

All Saints Catholic High School

15 days left to apply

All Saints Catholic High School logo

How to apply

Roughwood Drive, Kirkby (On-Site)

Permanent, Term time, Full time

Enhanced DBS check required

£24,027 - £24,404 pro rata per annum

43 weeks per year

Pay Band C / Spinal Column Point 3/4

£19,868 to £20,180 per annum

To commence January 2025 

All Saints Catholic High School is an oversubscribed secondary school in the borough of
Knowsley. All Saints is a Catholic voluntary aided high school, which serves the community of
Kirkby. We will provide a Christian education for all pupils based on the teachings of Jesus and
the spirit of the Gospel. 

The whole life of the school will be determined by the Gospel values of love and justice. We will
always value and care for all members of the All Saints community according to their needs and
will affirm and nurture the development of all. We believe this can only truly be realised in
partnership with parents, the parishes and the wider community.

Due to increased popularity of the school we are looking at making a number of new
appointments within the school. The Governing Body of All Saints Catholic High School wish to
appoint Science Technician. 

All Saints Catholic High School is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children. Disclosure
of any criminal convictions and an enhanced DBS check will be required for this post. It is an
offence to apply for the role if you are barred from engaging in regulated activity relevant to
children. The post may not be exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 as certain
spent convictions and cautions are ‘protected’ and are not subject to disclosure. It is important
that an applicant provides the school with upfront disclosure of all unspent convictions, cautions,
reprimands or warnings. A failure to declare the above (that are not subject to the Disclosure and
Barring Service filtering) may disqualify an applicant for appointment and may result in summary
dismissal if the discrepancy comes to light subsequently.

The recruitment process for this post will be underpinned by rigorous safer recruitment
assessment to ensure that children and young people are protected.
In addition to the checks set out above, the School reserves the right to obtain such formal or
informal background information about an applicant as is reasonable in the circumstances to
determine whether they are suitable to work at the School. This will include internet and social
media searches and references from current employer or settings where you have worked with

We are an Equal Opportunities Employer.

To arrange an informal visit to the school and a meeting with Tony McGuinness, Headteacher at
All Saints Catholic High School please contact Maria McGowan (mmcgowan@allsaintschs.org.uk)

Closing date: Fri 06/12/2024 at 12:00
Job reference: SVP 0383
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